Goal I: Increase the knowledge, skills, and interest in science and engineering of K - 12 students from underrepresented population groups.
Goal II: Increase parents' knowledge and skills in science and engineering and their capacity to support their children in pursuing education and careers in these fields.
Goal III: Increase the effectiveness of teachers in engaging students and parents in engineering and science-related learning activities.
1. Provide hands-on, activity-based instruction in science and engineering to parents and students in Grades K-3
2. Create and inspire in both student and parent a quest for math, science and technology education and experiences beyond the K-3 grade levels
3. Expose parents and students to science and engineering facilities in their communities via field trips and instructional classes in these locations
4. Provide parents and students opportunities to meet African American, Latino, and other scientists and engineers
5. Involve parents in cyber learning through communication technology that
connects them with one another, with classroom teachers, and with their families
and communities
6. Provide teacher training for elementary school teachers who will teach the K-3
pre-engineering curriculum to parents and students
7. Provide a family support system for parents that will include information on
health, educational opportunities, child psychology, and assistance in working
with governmental agencies